On 17/03/2019 21:13, Basil Jet wrote:
I think they should rename Northumberland Park station at the same time
as renaming / relocating Angel Road... they have to redo every map and
line guide anyway, so they can rename Northumberland Park for nearly
free (apart from replacing bus blinds).
The current name is poor, since approximately half of the road called
Northumberland Park has White Hart Lane as its nearest station, and it
also duplicates a station name on the Tyne & Wear Metro. Tottenham
Hotspur East would do, or Tottenham Park or Tottenham Marsh. (The
original name was "Marsh Lane" for a decade, then bizarrely just "Park"
for 70 years, then "Northumberland Park" for a century.)
Good grief, does football have to dominate *everything* ???
Ria in Aberdeen
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