Robin wrote:
On 26/04/2019 14:26, Marland wrote:
Something that seem to have passed me by but I became aware of today while
reading something else
is the reduction in the Heritage Routemaster Operation.
Appears it will now be seasonal and weekends only.
Any locals with the full story?
Don't know about full but the reduction was known about last year.
Reasons covered in eg
Looks a typical case of we shall ask the interested parties but then
disagree with their views and implement
what we want anyway.
If they want to alter it on economic grounds and declining ridership fair
No need to blame the lack of disabled access on a route that had accessible
buses serving it anyway and this issue was known about when it became a
heritage service.
It’s not politically correct to say so but disability is what it is where
the individuals affected cannot do a lot of things that most can, I’m all
for making life as normal as possible for those in that position but it
should not be at the detriment of those who are not to enjoy things.
There was an interesting collection of electrical equipment not far from
where I live known as the electricity museum ,one of the exhibits was a
Bournemouth Tram that in its later Llandudno guise was once an exhibit in
the Clapham Transport Museum.
Because it was not possible to provide the disabled with access to the the
upper floor at an affordability cost the place was closed instead. My
missus works with disabled and on a visit they were quite happy to see the
main items on the lower floor and weren’t that bothered about not seeing
the collection of old Irons, toasters and electric bed warmers upstairs.Now
they have lost another venue to visit completely.