717s skipping stops
Basil Jet wrote:
On 25/05/2019 21:44, Recliner wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
What baffles me is why why poor signal views in a tunnel would prevent
stopping at a station but would allow whizzing through. It sounds more
like the new trains are longer than the old ones and the driver's cab of
a stopped new train is the wrong side of the starter, and the in-cab
tech solution isn't working yet.
They're not longer, but have to stop further back for the driver, sitting
further back in the narrow cab, to be able to see the signal, as indicated
in the newspaper report I linked.
The trains are fully fitted for ERTMS, but it's not yet installed on the
line. I'm not sure when it'll go live. When it is, the lineside signals
will be removed.
Thanks, I didn't see that story. So can't they just stop a bit further
back, or do these new trains not have selective door opening? Or would
that leave them hanging into the previous block and killing the line