Latest Heathrow master plan
In message , at 09:02:34 on Sat, 22 Jun
2019, Clive D.W. Feather remarked:
In article , Roland Perry
Today I had the [dis]pleasure of driving the Girton to Milton section
again, and it's not noticeably further on than six months ago. Lots of
weaving contra-flow lanes, single in places, through traffic down to
30mph, and masses of work to do to even restore the original alignment -
let alone switch people from one free-flowing dual carriageway to
another with a set of overnight 'points'.
That's a completely different situation.
From Histon to Milton they're widening from 2+2 to 3+3 on the same
alignment in a narrow space. It's not surprising that they need to
narrow the lanes and have disruption.
I have no idea what is going on between Girton and Histon and nobody
seems to be able to tell me. We went through years of chaos while they
widened it from 2+2 to 3+3 *before* the A14 work started. So I can't see
what needs to be done now.
The 'new' disruption is indeed very disappointing, especially as there's
not much happening on a day to day basis. Must be something to do with
building the new intersection at Histon.
As for the Girton interchange itself, given how much is being altered
it's not surprising.
None of this is remotely similar to a new alignment being built out of
the way and connected up when ready.
On the contrary, the majority of the new Girton interchange is being
built "out of the way", but they are making no attempt whatsoever to get
it finished first, with the existing roads operating normally, and then
"throwing the points" in the manner that's been advocated for the M25.
It's quite clear they simply don't care how much they disrupt the
traffic, for years on end.
Exactly the same happened at the new A14/M1 junction, which they again
did incrementally with several years of disruption, when the new
east-west route was a completely new alignment.
Roland Perry