"MissRiaElaine" wrote in message
On 30/06/2019 11:23, Robin9 wrote:
Should Sadiq Khan, TfL or the London Borough of Waltham Forest
each be fined £ 100.00?
There is no environmental difference between a car parked with
its engine running and a car needlessly stationery because
unnecessary traffic lights have been installed or because pavements
have been widened to prevent cars from overtaking a bus.
Most modern cars will shut off the engine if sitting at lights, etc.
probably less than 50% of cars on the road have start stop technology
It will be about decade before it reaches 95%
Although this does rely on the driver selecting neutral and putting the
handbrake on,
does it?
didn't know that
don't have one
Even when I do select neutral I rarely put the hand brake on if the road is
flat. what's the point?
By the way, as a former bus driver, I am not keen on the way some people
overtake buses when they're at stops. I once had a car belt past me and
then do a sharp 90-degree left turn into the side road 6ft in front of the
bus, just as I had just started to pull away from a stop (and yes I was
indicating, and in plenty of time).
So just because of one idiot, we all have to dawdle down the road waiting
behind the bus at every stop, just because you don't want us to overtake?