London pollution monitoring
On 30/06/2019 16:57, tim... wrote:
ITYF pavements are widened to make it easier for disabled to get on and
of the bus
In most cases, widening at stops is to allow the bus to pull away from
the stop without having to wait to be let out by another driver, as well
as making it easier for the bus to get close to the kerb.
The DDA bit is the high kerb, which makes it easier for disabled people
and buggy users to get on and off. Wheelchair users still need to use
the ramp, but buggies can be lifted over the small step, and it's easier
for people with limited mobility to get on and off, so they can avoid
having to ask for the ramp to be deployed. Almost all TfL stops have the
high kerb, and the projections are mostly on routes through residential
areas, where the residents park on the road, and tend to block easy
access to the stop by buses.
Tciao for Now!