On 18/07/2019 14:33, MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 18/07/2019 07:02, Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 17/07/2019 20:44, wrote:
Ones where the credit rolls over and you don't have to make a regular
calls to keep them alive, aren't quite as common as you claim. The
networks hate them because they tend to get used in "glovebox" phones
were they have all the costs of maintaining the number and the billing
records, for virtually no revenue.
Oh come on, its costs them precisely £0.00 to maintain a number, its
data in a database.
And you are qualified to say that how?Â* Who supplies the database, and
on what license terms (hint: it's often on a per slot basis) - and
that's before we get to the overall costs where there may not be a net
gain per subscriber, but they have to be paid anyway - the radio
network, the data centres, the backhaul, the support staff, customer
services, Ofcom, etc etc etc.
Ok, answer me this -if the networks hate PAYG so much, why does it still
They don't hate it - they, like any other business, like less those who
spend less than others.
Plenty of PAYG customers spend reasonable amount of money. They like
those customers.
Those customers who think it's reasonable to spend £1/year on having an
"emergency phone" cost the operators more money than the revenue they
provide (for reasons we've been in and out of at least twice in the last
month). For obvious commercial reasons they like those customers less.