ES: Crossrail at risk of being delayed even further
On 23/07/2019 12:01, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 19:51:25 on Mon, 22 Jul
2019, Graeme Wall remarked:
On 22/07/2019 17:11, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 18:54:23 on Sun, 21 Jul
2019, Graeme Wall remarked:
Tell me how Khan could have appointed different contractors?
Â******** Boris was mayor when it started but LivingstoneÂ* was mayor in
******* the actual run up, when, presumably, the contractors were
******* appointed.
Â*I thought this red herring had died.
Â*When did I suggest Khan should be appointing contractors?
Lost yourself again? Look at the first line you've quoted,
thoughÂ* asÂ* you've snipped the attributions you will, no doubt,
be evenÂ* moreÂ* confused.
Â*It was asked by michael adams[1], and my reply (which has been
snippedÂ* by along the way) was to deny I'd claimed he [or former
mayors] shouldÂ* be involved in choosing any contractors.
Â*Why have you resurrected this zombie?
Look at the dates, I haven't, you have by coming in late.
Â*Which dates? I see you commenting on a thread the relevant bits of
whichÂ* are over a week ago.
Pleas yourself, you have again magnificently missed the point just
soÂ* you can start an arguement with yourself.
Â*As ever, you'll have to explain what exactly the point is, as far as
youÂ* perceive it.
Â*To possibly shorten the agony, no-one has suggested Khan, or any
previous Mayor[1], should be appointing contractors.
Â*[1] I've restored the bit which got lost, for clarity.
No you haven't. You have carefully snipped the original statement
Date and author please, so we can find it easily.
and my follow-up questions. Also Recliner's link to an article that
lead to the appropriate answers.
We can do that later.
I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
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