ES: Crossrail at risk of being delayed even further
On 24/07/2019 17:12, Recliner wrote:
Graeme Wall wrote:
On 24/07/2019 14:03, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 12:01:05 on Wed, 24 Jul
2019, Graeme Wall remarked:
I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
Â*Graeme has the means to truncate it to five minutes.
Even quicker, I'm not taking part.
Â*That's fair enough, but confirms my view that the posting which
startedÂ* this subthread was a complete wobbler. Glad we got that sorted.
Only inside the echo chamber of your mind.
On balance, as you refuse to justify your position, it fails.
You really are pathetic, desperately trying to have the last word so you
can justify in your own mind "winning" an argument that only ever
existed i your head. For heaven's sake grow up and stop acting like a
spoilt child.
It's hard to believe that Roland was once a high flying international
business executive. Although I suppose it's this sort of childish behaviour
that brought that career to an end.
There's no need for that sort of personal stuff, especially when you
were not the target of his pointless argument (on this occasion).
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