Dual SIM phones was:Worker killed by Southern train was coveringfor brother
On 24/07/2019 22:30, Basil Jet wrote:
On 24/07/2019 21:49, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 24/07/2019 20:46, Basil Jet wrote:
On 24/07/2019 18:21, Clank wrote:
Roland Perry Wrote in message:
That's why I'm sure some buy new sexier earbuds, without buying a
whole new phone (or indeed waiting until it's time for them to buy
a new phone and get the together).
It's telling that earphones are now considered a mobile phone
Â* accessory, despite predating the invention of the mobile phone by
Â* decades...
I don't think earphones with a microphone built into the neck area
pre-dated mobile phones.
The RAF used a version called a throat mic[1] which is very similar,
introduced in the 1950s IIRC
[1] It is literally strapped to the larynx for use in high noise
situations, takes some getting used to when you are listening in.
Thanks for that, but it doesn't change the fact that earphones with a
microphone in the cable *are* a mobile phone accessory.
The RAF version had earphones as well, but a lot more clumsy than the
modern version, you certainly couldn't slip it into the back pocket of
your jeans.
Graeme Wall
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