4G on the tube
On 31/07/2019 14:00, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 12:45:00 on Wed, 31
Jul 2019, MissRiaElaine remarked:
On Tue 30/07/2019 14:04, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 13:55:47
onÂ* Tue, 30 Jul 2019, Jarle Hammen Knudsen remarked:
No, because the emergency services contract (which this is
upon) is 4G.
Is this something to replace the tetra based network in the UK?
Â*Yes. And it's also much delayed. But that's not really a surprise
for aÂ* large government IT project!
It's also going to be a total waste of time and money. Tetra just
worked, why change it..?
I think the problem is it's proprietary, and rather old. Replacing worn
out equipment and paying ongoing licence fees, was regarded as less
effective than using an 'open source' idea like 4G.
Wasn't it also the lack of development of the standard and basically
being stuck on GPRS like speeds?
What's concerning is that they are still rolling out a 4G solution when
5G is already here...