"Basil Jet" wrote in message
On 06/09/2019 16:13, tim... wrote:
"Basil Jet" wrote in message
On 06/09/2019 10:56, tim... wrote:
"David Walters" wrote in message
The Underground Working Timetables are available online:
what a confusing format
East and westbound on alternative pages - might very possibly make
sense in printed form, absolutely useless in PDF form
They're for drivers, not for spotters.
Not a spotter, just a customer who's interested in the nominal frequency
for each service
There's a frequency table in each WTT preceding the actual times.
yeah, I got that
It also tells me how many train diagrams there are, and what time they leave
the depot.
my point was it contained more than I actually needed.
Basil Jet recently enjoyed listening to
Radiohead - 1997 - No Surprises