Northern Line goes south
On 08/09/2019 15:38, Recliner wrote:
On Sun, 8 Sep 2019 14:58:02 +0100, MissRiaElaine
Always assuming the tech works. A light bulb is about as simple as you
can get. Imagine if they tried the same on the roads..!
Incandescent light bulbs have a short life and need frequent
replacement. The light is also not consistent, dimming and getting
more yellow over time. LED arrays are far better. But in railway
terms, no lineside signals at all is better still.
I disagree. How is someone working trackside supposed to know whether a
train is signalled or not..?
And stop talking in metric, last time I checked we used MILES in this
country. At least that's what's on the dial of every car speedometer
I've seen lately.
So when did you last buy fuel in gallons?
Most people, myself included, fill the tank regardless of the actual
quantity. Or I might put 20 quid in if I'm a bit short. But distances
are signposted in miles and fuel economy is still measured in miles per
I will resist metrication till my dying day. Which given the state of
the country right now may not be far off.
Ria in Aberdeen
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