Electric Shapps
On Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 11:16:41AM -0000, Recliner wrote:
David Walters wrote:
On Mon, 09 Sep 2019 09:42:48 +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
As I noted the last time people here were stupidly trying to convince
people that electric vehicles were ready for use by real people, the
internet says that there are two public charging stations in the town of
40,000 that my parents live in.
Around half the people in that town have private drives so can install
a private charger like Grant Shapps.
That sounds like quite a high proportion. Presumably it's a leafy small
town with most houses detached or semi-detached with large front gardens,
and few terrace houses or flats?
The national average is "about half".
Even so, it means that electric vehicles not only aren't suitable for
about half the people who live there, they're also unsuitable for people
who *do* have their own drive but who have to visit people and places
that don't have a private drive.
My sister, for example, has private off road parking. But my parents
don't, and I don't, never mind any other relations and other people who
she might visit. That means that an electric vehicle would be a pain in
the arse for her even though she could have a private charger at home.
That's not typical of the urban areas for which BEVs are best suited.
What's a "BEV"? All these weird abbreviations confuse me.
David Cantrell | top google result for "internet beard fetish club"
Blessed are the pessimists, for they test their backups