Electric Shapps
On 10/09/2019 14:26, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 14:15:31 on Tue, 10
Sep 2019, MissRiaElaine remarked:
Distribution shouldn't be that
much of a problem, we already have a large fleet of petrol tankers,
would just need adapting.
Â*The tankers would need replacing, not adapting. Hydrogen needs new
high pressure tanks and all-new piping.
Fair enough. But it's possible.
To replace them, if cost was no object, yes.
And how much will it cost to rip up every street in the country to lay
new cables to handle the power required when *everybody* has an electric
car that needs charging..? Not to mention the extra generating plant.
One estimate I saw somewhere said that the UK would require the
equivalent of 20 extra nuclear power stations.
Ria in Aberdeen
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