Northern Line goes south
On 10/09/2019 20:21, Recliner wrote:
Sammi Gray-Jones wrote:
And as you rightly point out it's now 0-62.5mph, still in miles per
hour. Not 0-100 kph.
It's quoted that way for the benefit of ignorant Brits, but what they
actually measure is 0-100 km/h. Many cars are limited to 250 km/h,
described as '155 mph' for ignorant Brits.
Excuse me, but I take exception to that. I'm British (not "a Brit"
please, I'm not American either) and I use imperial measurements. I do
so because I was brought up with them and I'm used to them. I fail to
see why I should be forced to use the metric system. Why can't both be
used..? I still struggle to understand the weather forecasts when
temperatures are only quoted in degrees C.
Ria in Aberdeen
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