On 11/09/2019 16:20, Recliner wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
On 11/09/2019 16:00, Recliner wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 10/09/2019 23:51, Recliner wrote:
Yes, many of us were brought up with quaint imperial measures, but it's
easy to adapt. I still remember my height in ft and inches, as that's what
we used when it was last measured (when I was a teenager), but I know my
weight in kg.
It may be easy to adapt for you, but please do not be so arrogant as to
assume it is the same for everyone. I simply cannot do it, and quite
honestly I do not see why I should. Why can't both systems be used..?
Have you seen or used a medical thermometer any time recently?
That's Amazon US. But I agree, it's probably possible to set digital
thermometers to have a retro display.
You can't live in the last century forever.
Will you tell the Americans or should I?
They can live in the last century if they like, but it's not an option
anywhere else.
So long as we can buy their products or products made for them, it is.
(I'm a metric fan BTW, I'm just saying people don't have to be.)
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