Heathrow CC
On 26/09/2019 09:39, Recliner wrote:
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 20:04:05 on Wed, 25 Sep
2019, Recliner remarked:
There are some 24-hour buses to Heathrow, such as the 140.
Sure, but can all the staff cram onto that one route?
I wonder if there are staff buses that operate overnight?
And do either go where the staff actually live..?
When I was a bus driver in the Birmingham area in the late 90's/early
00's, we had a few staff buses which picked up drivers on the
stupid-o'clock starts, but they only went a limited distance from the
garage (5 miles or so I think) and I lived 7 miles away. So it was drive
or not work. The company had the attitude that it was your
responsibility to get to work and if you couldn't for whatever reason,
tough, find another job...
Ria in Aberdeen
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