Heathrow CC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2019 15:38:05 +0100, Roland Perry
In message , at 15:18:00 on Thu, 26 Sep
2019, tim... remarked:
Sep 2019, MissRiaElaine remarked:
There are some 24-hour buses to Heathrow, such as the 140.
Sure, but can all the staff cram onto that one route?
I wonder if there are staff buses that operate overnight?
And do either go where the staff actually live..?
When I was a bus driver in the Birmingham area in the late 90's/early
00's, we had a few staff buses which picked up drivers on the stupid-
o'clock starts, but they only went a limited distance from the garage
(5 miles or so I think) and I lived 7 miles away. So it was drive or
not work. The company had the attitude that it was your
responsibility to get to work and if you couldn't for whatever
reason, tough, find another job...
It's a bit more difficult to have that attitude at a place like
Heathrow. I think their solution is to provide ample staff car
parking, it's not as if they don't have the room.
but they do have a mandate to lessen car arrivals at the airport
I doubt that staff travel is exempted from that requirement
Which is precisely why Heathrow Connect exists[1]. It's not a back-door
into Heathrow for skinflint passengers, it's for staff.
But not all the staff live on the Heathrow Connect corridor.
That may be why it was created, but it doesn't exist any more, of