Apologies if this has been discussed before and I missed it.
On my way to Chelmsford, I have to go through London, and generally take a
service from either Dover or Ashford into Charing Cross.
On my way, about two weeks ago, somewhere between London Bridge and Waterloo
East (I think it was those two stations, if not, then Waterloo East, and
Charing Cross), the train went over a bridge which crossed a road. As it
went over, I looked down, and saw some large gray walls that were shielding
something (possibly a construction site?), and on the walls was printed:
"LONDON UNDERGROUND EXTENSION", with the usual Underground Roundel.
Have I missed something - is there genuinely an extension being built in
that area, or were the walls just being used to hide some construction
because those were the only walls they could find?

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