On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 20:46:17 -0000 (UTC), Anna Noyd-Dryver
On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 14:18:51 +0000
Graeme Wall wrote:
On 22/11/2019 12:49, wrote:
On Thu, 21 Nov 2019 18:47:05 +0000
MikeS wrote:
On 21/11/2019 14:36, wrote:
Luckily ****s like him seem
to be rarer these days.
Apparently you don't use Waterloo very often.
Not for years. But given the SWR drivers are planning to go on strike for
a month soon I can't say it surprises me to find out they're a bunch of tits
as well.
Do keep up, it's the guards that are striking.
Will any of the drivers cross the picket line and run the trains OPO? I think
we know the answer to that.
SWR can't do DOO. They say they're planning to run 50% of services,
presumably using management/office staff as guards.
As for crossing or not crossing picket lines, I believe it's technically
secondary industrial action and therefore technically illegal,
Only if they have been encouraged by their union. AFAIR the individual
members making individual decisions are a very different legal matter.
It is further complicated by the later introduction of the Human
Rights Act.
but also
AIUI most TOCs involved in similar disputes have said they won't take
action (beyond loss of a day's pay) against those of other grades who don't
cross picket lines.
Incidentally AIUI the RMT will be paying the striking guards to compensate
for loss of income; that won't of course apply to other grades.
Anna Noyd-Dryver