Latest Heathrow master plan
On 15/12/2019 09:19, Robin wrote:
On 14/12/2019 21:55, Graeme Wall wrote:
Actually the replacement rate is about 2.4 children per couple to
allow for infertility, , infant mortality, gay couples and those who
just don't want children. Currently the average is nearer 1.8 so in
the long term the population of this country is going to shrink fairly
rapidly. The downside is the population is getting older. It's a
phenomenon that is being repeated across the world as people get
better educated and the religious ties are loosened.
I don't know what you mean by "long term" but the ONS project the
population of the UK continuing to increase through to 2043.
After the middle of the century as the offspring of the baby boomers
start to die out and the influence of effective contraception took hold
from the mid 1960s onward.
Graeme Wall
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