no circle line today
On 07/01/2020 01:59, Recliner wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 06/01/2020 23:51, Recliner wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 06/01/2020 21:44, Graeme Wall wrote:
From Baker street you can still get to South Ken without changing
because it does go the other way round.
Yes, but it's the long way round. It's a lot quicker to go
anti-clockwise between those two places than the other way. Or at least
it was.
The quickest way, and probably the one with the least non-avoidable
would be via Green Park.
Yes, but I think the OP wanted to avoid changing altogether. I know from
experience the difficulties involved in assisting a disabled person,
particularly one in a wheelchair, to travel on the Underground.
I don't think there's a step-free LU route from Baker St to South Ken
(there obviously ought to be). But the route via Green Park has the fewest
For example, at South Ken, you have a lot more steps to get from the Circle
Line platforms to the booking office than you do from the Piccadilly
platforms (there were no steps in the 1960s, with the old lifts).
True enough.
Ria in Aberdeen
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