Twirly cards on TfL buses
On 24/01/2020 00:49, Recliner wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
When we were in Warrington last year I asked drivers on the local buses
if my Scottish card was valid, fully expecting that it wouldn't be, but
hey, nothing ventured, etc. Of the four buses we travelled on, two
accepted it without question, one ummed and ahhed a bit before letting
me on, only one driver refused it. So if there's a common company
policy, not everybody seems to know it.
It's not a company policy, but a UK-wide one: Scottish Twirly cards aren't
valid in England, and vice versa. So, only the last of your four drivers
was correct.
You're no doubt right, but I thought it worth a try..! 3 out of 4 isn't
Can't think why all of them aren't valid UK-wide, though.
Ria in Aberdeen
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