Heathrow expansion plans "illegal"
On 09/03/2020 20:01, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 19:17:06 on Mon, 9 Mar
2020, MissRiaElaine remarked:
Â*Ah online "friends". Not the same thing at all.
Not the same, but to me as equally a friend as someone who lives
locally. I can pick up the phone and call them,
The expression "online friend" has become a bit devalued over the years,
but I try to stick to only people I have earlier met in person.
As a bit of a social butterfly at conferences, that's several hundred.
(More than 600 on Linked-in, 250 on Facebook, and 500 Twitter followers
Â*although they are the least-curated)
Both Facebook and Linked-In try to nag one into befriending strangers
(based on second-order connections as well as pure spammers).
I'm prepared to accept a few well-qualified persons who have also gone
to the trouble of phoning me, otherwise only people I have actually met.
if I feel so inclined and have made myself look reasonably
presentable, I can have a video call with them.
That's a whole new can of worms. A bit like the apocryphal TV news
presenter with no trousers on under the desk.
I don't mean so-called "friends" on FarceBuke or Twitface, the people I
consider friends are those with whom I share a common interest and can
speak to on the phone.
And I have no wish to know if you are currently wearing trousers or not..!!!
Ria in Aberdeen
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