Heathrow expansion plans "illegal"
On 10/03/2020 11:47, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 20:27:43 on Mon, 9 Mar
2020, MissRiaElaine remarked:
Â*The expression "online friend" has become a bit devalued over the
years,Â* but I try to stick to only people I have earlier met in person.
I don't mean so-called "friends" on FarceBuke or Twitface, the people
I consider friends are those with whom I share a common interest and
can speak to on the phone.
As I said earlier, my 'social media friends' are almost all people who I
have met (and that will have been because we have - or had at the time -
a common interest). Almost none would I ever speak to on the phone,
because it's so much easier to contact them online.
This week, chatting to someone in Australia, who should have been in
Mexico, and thus won't be passing through London again for a month
or too.
And I have no wish to know if you are currently wearing trousers or
That's for me to know and you [not] to find out
I don't *want* to find out, thanks all the same..!!
I am not a great "typer" and this is an awkward way of communicating for
me. I am a talker and could spend hours on the phone (and frequently do..!)
Ria in Aberdeen
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