MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 15/03/2020 21:02, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:
This whole self isolation is bloody nonsense. But the time the symptoms appear
the person has been spreading the virus for almost a week already.
And would continue to do so for another week. A 50% reduction in exposure time
is not to be sneezed at. Pun intended.
I just worry for those whose employment is being affected;
bar/restaurant staff, pubs, cinemas, shops etc. It's hard enough running
a small business these days without this to make things even more difficult.
I was speaking to a friend (on the phone..!) the other day who works as
a video engineer in the live entertainment industry. He's self-employed
and has had to take a job making window boxes for the next six months as
all his normal work has dried up completely.
Still, at least he still has some money coming in, even if it's not as
much as he's used to. An awful lot of people are going to be hung out to
dry over this, and it's the media to blame for most of it in my opinion.
I agree. I think it's a gross over-reaction but at least the UK response
has been more balanced than many other countries. Personally, I'd encourage
all events and business to continue as usual, simply asking older people to
stay away. Most younger, healthy people aren't at much risk, and we're all
going to be exposed sooner or later, anyway.