Tube partially shut due to Kung Flu
Basil Jet wrote:
On 19/03/2020 13:53, Graeme Wall wrote:
I think this situation is going to be the kiss of death for this
government anyway,
As I stared at the empty shelves I thought "Thank God McDonnell didn't
become chancellor or we would have five years of this".
I wish I'd thought of that when I was queuing to get into Tesco this
morning, and when I was confronted by the empty shelves and closed
counters, and then in the long queue to check out, made even slower by the
cashier having to explain to many customers that they were limited to ≤3 of
all items. There would then be time-wasting arguments when people said they
were shopping for both themselves and others, so they should be entitled to
double the ration.