Crossrail construction halted
On 29/03/2020 09:01, Someone Somewhere wrote:
Some of the reactions from the public are bizarre in the extreme though
- the attempt at shaming those who go to work and the police with drones
etc - and some sections of the population fundamentally need to be
ashamed of themselves for self-serving behaviour.
This situation is certainly bringing out the worst of a lot of people,
but it also brings out the best in some.
We were speaking on the phone to a friend a few days ago, who usually
pops around for a coffee every two or three weeks, obviously now she
can't do so. We were bemoaning the lack of things like toilet rolls etc.
and that they sell out within an hour of the shop opening and we're not
good at mornings..!
Yesterday, we had a phone call out of the blue - "I've been out this
morning and got you some loo rolls, I'll bring them round and leave them
on your doorstep." Half an hour later the doorbell went and when we
looked out there they were and she wouldn't take any money for them.
Today we woke up to the door again and there was another bag of supplies
outside, including a big box of assorted chocolate biscuits..!
Now THAT is selflessness and the mark of true friendship. We are
honestly very humbled to know someone who will do that for us.
Ria in Aberdeen
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