On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 09:01:18 +0100
Someone Somewhere wrote:
On 28/03/2020 10:40, wrote:
Social isolation simply can't be done with certain jobs, simple as that.
If the construction work is important (eg a house at the bottom of my road
currently has no roof - it can't stay like that for 3 months or it'll be a
wreck) then it needs to be done regardless. If they workers are willing to
take the risk then they should be allowed to do so.
Indeed - what very few of the shouty people on the internet or in the
media seem to realise is that this is a little more nuanced than people
The aim of the current restrictions is not to stop the virus - it's too
virulent and the net effect on the population is not large enough for
the absolute draconian measures that you'd need (get the army out on the
streets, properly separated, and insist everyone stay home for 2 weeks
regardless of stocks of food or other needs and if they leave they can
be shot on sight) that you'd need if this thing had the death rate of
e.g. ebola or similar.
Even then key people would still need to go to work - if there was no water or
electricity there'd be no point saving everyone from a disease if they died
of thirst or cold anyway. Tbh if a disease that bad became highly infectious
then frankly civilisation would be ****ed no matter what.
The aim is therefore for a slow burn through the population and to
reduce the transmission rate to a level that the NHS can cope with
(hopefully) so that anyone who can reasonably be saved with medical
intervention will be.
Sweden seem to have a different take on hit however - they're old and at risk
are being told to remain at home but life goes on more or less as normal for
everyone else. Apparently the idea being to get the herd immunity in the not
at risk part of the population and get the virus to burn itself out quickly
at which point the self isolating groups can leave home. Lets hope that
approach works because if it does this whole lockdown business can be binned.
We should find in in a few weeks.
Some of the reactions from the public are bizarre in the extreme though
- the attempt at shaming those who go to work and the police with drones
etc - and some sections of the population fundamentally need to be
ashamed of themselves for self-serving behaviour.
Unfortunately there will always be screw you I'm alright jack members of the
public and there will also always be wanna gestapo within the police.