Free travel on London busses
On 17/04/2020 22:23, Lew 1 wrote:
Edinburgh was introducing them when I was there last Summer, along with
on-board videos very carefully (and ludicrously for someone used to London)
explaining and demonstrating how to board the bus using the front, and how
to leave the bus using the middle.
However, even with double doors, they still perform the peculiar Edinburgh
ritual of letting people off before the stop, but refusing to let people on
until the bus in front has left and the driver can pull up to the stand
proper. This does rather reduce the benefit of having double doors.
It's not specific to Edinburgh, we were certainly told not to let people
on (or off, for that matter) away from stops when I started driving in
Birmingham in 1998.
Something to do with insurance cover they said, whether it was bs or not
I don't know, anyway a lot of drivers still did it, although I never did
if I could avoid it.
Ria in Aberdeen
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