Free travel on London busses
On 20/04/2020 21:40, David Cantrell wrote:
On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 11:46:37PM +0100, MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 19/04/2020 22:27, David Cantrell wrote:
On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 04:47:40PM +0100, Richard wrote:
London's move to board by the middle door comes about a month after it
was done in several other European bus networks, I wonder how much
illness and worse could have been avoided if TfL had made this decision
earlier ...
Very little, I would think, given that drivers are separated from
passengers by a plastic screen rather more substantial than the plastic
screens that are popping up in places like pharmacies. This change is
just an attempt to stop the public transport unions behaving like
bell-ends when management have more important things to worry about.
Those plastic screens are less than useless if a yob decides to have a
go at you.
But this isn't about yobs deciding to have a go at you, it's about
accidentally catching a disease from passengers who aren't deliberately
trying to pass it on.
They're still worse than useless. Like those idiotic face masks which
only work if you know how to put them on and take them off, do so
regularly and don't touch them while you're wearing them. Going around
looking like you're about to perform surgery does nothing.
Ria in Aberdeen
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