Nice empty tube
On Thu, 7 May 2020 18:09:14 +0100
"michael adams" wrote:
wrote in message ...
On Thu, 7 May 2020 15:21:51 +0100
"michael adams" wrote:
wrote in message ...
If you feel like taking a trip up to central london you might be
interested to know the tube is nice and empty and with a lot of closed
stations - quite quick.
The only downside are the childish tannoy messages for everyone to stay
home like good little citizens.
Whatever you do, don't mention at what time of day you
made your journey(s); as that might render such information
useful to someone.
I suspect the ticket gates already have that information.
But any readers of this group, to whom your observations were
originally addressed, and who might actually find such information
useful, are still completely in the dark.
You seem to think I care about who knows I took the tube. Unlike you I'm not
concerned with the BTP kicking down mhy front door and dragging me off to
the nick for Breaking LockDown Rules (cue juvenile emotional blackmail public
information broadcast full of sad serious looking NHS workers wagging a
metaphorical finger and happy pensioners who've dodged a bullet).
As I've said before, the lockdown is a joke, sweden has now proved it beyond
doubt yet the spineless buffoon in Number 10 seems intent on dragging this
country into an economic abyss in order to save the lives of a few pensioners
who'll soon die of natural causes anyway and some tubbies who only have
themselves to blame for their poor health.