Nice empty tube
On Sat, 9 May 2020 09:46:48 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Yes, and the testing saga in similar. We clearly were testing far too few
people, not even front-line NHS staff or elderly people turned out of
hospitals into care homes. So Matt Hancock rashly promises to be testing
100,000 a day by the end of April, which was a dreamed-up and, as it turns
out, unachievable, target.
But he changed the definition of 'testing' just before the target date, so
he could claim to have met it. But it was a lie: the actual number of
*tests* being conducted by then (which is itself a higher number than the
number of people being tested) was actually about 80,000 per day.
The actual number of *people* being tested per day is around 60-70k. That's
certainly a very big improvement, but he's lost a lot of his already weak
credibility by first dreaming up an impossible target, then missing it,
then lying about supposedly achieving it. Why should anyone believe him the
next time?
Unfortunately Boris is proving to be just as useless ineffectual procrastinator
as PM as he was as London mayor. No surprise to me frankly, but he's chosen
an equally useless bunch of yes-men and women as his cabinet which is just
what the UK doesn't need right now. Plus with the lot of them worshipping a
fraud like Ferguson (google how many duff past predictions he's made in the past
on various diseases like Sars that have born little resemblance to reality) and
who clearly doesn't even believe his own advice and we're royally screwed as
none of them have the balls to make the harsh political choices required wrt
restarting the economy.