Nice empty tube
On Sat, 9 May 2020 12:24:59 +0100
"tim..." wrote:
wrote in message ...
On Fri, 8 May 2020 20:05:57 +0100
Bryan Morris wrote:
So yes, Recliner, I'm ****ed off how Usenet has become and political
point scoring about those cruel Tories not supporting care homes.
Rant over for the moment
I think the reason for a lot of it is that politicians have become a lot
like CEOs - they come out with a lot of fancy words with little to back
up and are quite happy to take the plaudits for when things go right, but
when things go wrong suddenly its all someone elses fault. That gets up a
of peoples noses. If you need an example look how Boris & Co were making a
big deal about that PPE from Turkey, yet when it turned out to be faulty
the f**k can you screw up making a simple gown?) there were lots of umms
ahhs and no one taking the blame for not ordering it to be checked before
left turkey.
The practicalities of the situation (not being able to travel) caused it not
to be checked before shipping
There doesn't really seem an obvious solution to that
The (soluble) problem was was probably that we didn't make sure that the
supplier understood that he needed to make the product out of the correct
grade of material and had access to same.
FWIW, I suspect that large parts of the world do not have such stringent
requirements here, as the developed world does. Gowns made from (some grade
of) normal clothing fabric are probably considered acceptable (50%
protection is always better than zero). Thus manufactures in these countries
(which encompasses the countries that we go to for cheap quick, throw away,
clothing) probably think that it's perfectly acceptable to make them that
way too.
I suspect a lot of NHS workers would prefer to take their chances with these
gowns that have 2nd hand ones or none at all.