Nice empty tube
michael adams wrote:
"Roland Perry" wrote in message ...
In message , at 10:04:15 on Mon, 11 May 2020, Recliner
She has to commute to work anyway, and this is probably the safest,
healthiest way to do so right now.
Possibly, depending how healthy one views running as. Personally I don't think
the risks to the knees are worth it hence I cycle instead.
She runs marathons and ultra-marathons, so this is just part of her
training regime. Six miles is probably not much more than a warm-up for
her, so she might be deliberately finding longer, interesting routes.
Even more the case that this isn't much of a commuting method that the general public
can aspire to.
My my ! She really *does* seem to have got up someones nose, doesn't she ?
As to where she lives, quite possibly misleading messages are now the
norm, for female TV personalities among others, who wish to frustrate
stalkers, over-enthusistic well wishers, or just the star-struck .
As quite honestly, her address is no more anyone's business, than is the
address of the doorman or the receptionist at the BBC.
Oh and yes in such circumstances, what with stalkers etc maybe its not the
best idea to publicise her jogging around deserted streets on her own.
Even if this does amount to blaming the victim.
But then maybe as with David Cameraons bike rides, in this instance
she's maybe not actually on her own. Even allowing for plenty of changes
of clothes at the office, I'd imagine most people would *probably* need
to take more into work with them than just what they could carry in
their hands. So maybe someone on a bike following behind ?
Which isn't in any way a reflection on Sophie Rawaorth's honesty, just a
practical observation.
I'm reasonably certain that on-screen presenters don't commute in their
smart on-screen outfits, however they commute. Of course, she probably
keeps normal casual clothes (jeans, etc) to wear in the office when not on
screen — she wouldn't want to spill coffee on her smart frock.