On 01/06/2020 14:39, MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 01/06/2020 10:07, wrote:
Allowing individuals to decide for themselves means they are forcing
their decisions on other people.Â* I'm fed up with the lycras around
here who've decided social distancing is unnecessary.
But it's ok for you, the government and every other Tom, Dick or Harry
to force their decisions on us. You can't have it both ways.
And the next person who utters the appalling phrase "social distancing"
will get a slap. Why can't they just say keep your distance..?
As with many such things "social distancing" started off as a term of
art among public health professionals and leaked into general usage from
them - starting many years ago.
Plus "social distancing" arguably now conveys something more specific
(in the UK, 2m) than "keeping your distance" which could more or less
depending on context - eg when drivinh on a motorway rather more than 2m*.
*or possibly not if you are an Audi driver
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