Borough boundaries
In article , Matthew Rees
I live on the Kingston upon Thames / Richmond border and until
the last boundary revision the borough boundary went through
some properties and even following the boundary revision we
still have some roads which are in one borough but which
receive some services, e.g. refuse collection, from the other
I once worked for R.B.Kingston and the boundaries were not at all
logical. On the NE side the boundary between Kingston and Merton
is the Beverley Brook so properties either side of the A3 fall
into both boroughs, and the station estate at Worcester Park
(Pembury Avenue etc) could only be reached by going out of the
borough into Sutton. A colleague of mine went to deal with an
'illegal' garage being built in Herne Road, Surbiton and was told
sharply that whilst the house was in Surbiton, the garage was in
Elmbridge who had given permission for its erection
Tony Bryer