On Tue, 02 Jun 2020 07:04:37 -0500
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:
Roll all you like. Governments have been playing the fear card for months now
but as Sweden and Japan have shown, this virus isn't nearly as contagious
or deadly as they would have us believe.
Wired? Give me a break. As for well and truly failed - how can a herd
immunity approach that has less deaths per million than belgium, UK, spain and
italy and only slight more than france which all had tight lockdowns be said to
have failed exactly?
Default behaviours in different countries/regions differ, and therefore
affect their 'default' transmission rates. It appears that Sweden's
'default' death rate is around the same as our lockdown death rate,
presumably because they do stuff like not hugging random strangers as a
greeting. Their transmission rate is around eight times their
presumably-comparable neighbours; therefore, without lockdown, would our
death rate be eight times what it is with lockdown? Clearly the unaccounted
variable in this is how much infection was already in the country (from
Italian skiing trips?) before lockdown.
Anna Noyd-Dryver