On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 22:37:20 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 02/06/2020 20:58, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
R numbers, K numbers, X Y and Z numbers, I don't care, I've had enough.
I want my life back.
The R number is a method of blinding the plebs with science. It sounds
complex and technical therefor it must be true. Shame it bears little
resemblence to actual reality.
Having looked a little bit at the simulations it looks as though they’ve
chosen R as the simplest measure to explain how infections spread. If
people can’t understand how the R measure works there’s no point in trying
to explain what really happens, whether people want to be treated as adults
or not.
The entity formerly known as
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