New boarding on London's buses
On 03/06/2020 00:08, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
MissRiaElaine wrote:
My other half needs new shoes. The high street still looks like Sunday
in the sixties, will she have to go barefoot before she can get any..?
Surely shoes are available to purchase online?
Of course they are, but they'll invariably take two weeks to arrive, and
when they don't fit, as the first pair you try on never do, you have to
go through the rigmarole of sending them back and then the next pair
that takes another 2 weeks to arrive and stand an equal chance of not
fitting then that's a month gone and we still have no shoes.
There are many things that can easily be bought online, but clothes and
shoes are not in that camp.
Ria in Aberdeen
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