On 05/06/2020 00:21, Recliner wrote:
On 04/06/2020 23:35, Bevan Price wrote:
On 04/06/2020 18:54, wrote:
On 04/06/2020 18:31, MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 04/06/2020 17:42, wrote:
I also just heard that masks will be mandatory on all public
transport from 15 June.
Where..? Just London or nationwide..?
If they try it here that's our custom they'll lose.
Johnson and Cummings only run England so it's only there so far but I
suspect the other countries will follow their lead.
Haven't you got those names in the wrong order ? To me, it sometimes
seems as if "C" pulls the strings and "B" opens his mouth.
Since that was debatable I decided to put the nominal leader first.
I'm not sure who now has the role of leaking to the press, but it's been
reported that Boris has taken control, and effectively put Cummings on a
final warning. The Rose Garden event was supposed to be when he cleared
things up, but he blew it. Cummings is now on borrowed time, but Boris
would lose too much face if he fired him before the summer break.
I have no time for these petty political games and never have done.
Johnson has little face left as he's shown himself to be so feeble and
not doing the correct thing so he would actually gain more face by being
strong and getting rid of him now rather than later.
He should have got rid of him immediately. Both of them should have
realised that his continuing official presence was damaging to the PM and
the government. But, having backed him so strongly, Boris now needs to wait
before getting rid of him; to do so too soon would just compound the
damage. My guess is that he'll be gone by September.
I suspect that Cummings isn't much enjoying the job any more. He's lost a
lot of his power, is viewed as a comic figure rather than one of the great
intellects of his day, is being harassed by the press (which won't stop
until he's gone), and his family are also under scrutiny (eg, his father's
apparently illegal conversion of a swimming pool into a house, his wife's
porkies in the Spectator). She was all set to be the next editor of the
magazine, but that now looks unlikely — not that telling porkies
disqualifies one from that job, as a former editor could attest:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Johnson#The_Spectator_and_MP_for_Henley:_199 9–2008
So Cummings will probably be happy to depart, once he knows that there
won't be an extension to the transition period.
Has he resigned or been sacked from SAGE yet? I've not heard anything
about that.
He was never officially a member of SAGE, not that the government has been
open about either its membership or its advice. He just invited himself to
the (presumably virtual) meetings. We don't know if he was there just to
listen, or to try and influence the advice SAGE delivered to the
government. I have to suspect the latter.