On 05/06/2020 20:19, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
In article , writes
Well, the typical "try out" approach is to order the same shoe in sizes
9, 9 1/2 and 10, keep one pair and return the other two.
On what planet?
The one we, if not you, live on. I just posted some clothes back to M&S
today ordered on just that basis (not shoes). They even pay the postage.
I dare say they do. But I for one don't need the hassle. I want to go
into a shop, try something on, buy it if it fits, try another if it
doesn't. All done in a matter of minutes (or possibly longer if I get
And yes we have tried supermarkets, but the range is limited, especially
when it comes to shoes.
Ria in Aberdeen
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