New Freedom pass peak hour restriction
On 06/06/2020 21:59, Recliner wrote:
Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
GB wrote:
And, I thought the trains were going to run all night?
Night Tube is suspended indefinitely AIUI.
… along with London's night economy which it serves. For obvious reasons,
I've not been in a town centre at night lately, but it must be weirdly
empty, with all pubs, restaurants, theatres, clubs, etc closed.
It's like that in the daytime as well. Every time I go food shopping
it's like Sunday in the 1960's, very depressing. I just wonder how many
of the closed shops will reopen, there were enough empty ones along most
of the main streets here before all this started, I dread to think how
many will be like that once they are allowed to reopen.
Ria in Aberdeen
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