On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 22:06:01 +0100
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 05/06/2020 20:19, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
In article , writes
Well, the typical "try out" approach is to order the same shoe in sizes
9, 9 1/2 and 10, keep one pair and return the other two.
On what planet?
The one we, if not you, live on. I just posted some clothes back to M&S
today ordered on just that basis (not shoes). They even pay the postage.
I dare say they do. But I for one don't need the hassle. I want to go
into a shop, try something on, buy it if it fits, try another if it
doesn't. All done in a matter of minutes (or possibly longer if I get
And yes we have tried supermarkets, but the range is limited, especially
when it comes to shoes.
Its not just shoes and clothes. The selection of books and magazines at
supermarkets is pretty poor too - pretty much potboiler fiction and sleb
autobiographies for books and the usual slew of anorexics-wearing-clothes
magazines with a few token mags for us chaps.