On 08/05/2020 14:02, Recliner wrote:
Bryan Morris wrote:
In message , Recliner
Marland wrote:
Recliner wrote:
Have they taped off any seats, as seems to have happened in foreign
metros? Any police asking if your journey is strictly necessary?
I’m surprised with a good part of the country getting all nostalgic for an
event that for most was really their parents and grandparents party that
the posters from that era bearing that question haven’t been reprinted
with figure of a solder replaced by a nurse.
Yes, a very good idea.
There can't be many people left who have personal memories of VE-Day. After
the care homes crisis, their number has probably halved in the last couple
of months. Not a great way of celebrating them.
Your normal ********
In the UK there are 3.2 million people aged over 80 and 1.6 million aged
over 85
But then what would I expect from you
As I've already said, I was thinking of people who were old enough to know
what VE Day was about. That doesn't include children.
Very late catching up on this, I know. But why doesn't it include
children? I was just under 7 on VE Day, but knew very well what it
meant, including the fact that my dad was coming home after 5 years. I
did wonder at the time whatever they would talk about on the news if
there was no war.
Peter Beale