PT today
In message , at 07:29:57 on Wed, 17 Jun
2020, tim... remarked:
"MissRiaElaine" wrote in message
On 16/06/2020 16:56, tim... wrote:
good god
I was expecting something functionally superior
Functional..? NONE of the ridiculous things being worn by the public
at large are remotely functional.
You're wrong
some designs do have filtered vents which (attempt) to safely solve the
condensation problem
Whether they actually work, or not
I have no idea
If you mean the DIY dust-masks with a knob on the front, that's a valve
not a filter. They do reduce condensation, and prevent the wearer
touching their mouth and nose.
Inward filtering (their original purpose) is to FFP2, and people will
argue until the cows come home whether that stops infected droplets
only, or also the semi-mythical naked viruses themselves.
Outbound they'll stop the worst of a sneeze or cough.
Roland Perry