On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 18:20:21 +0100
MissRiaElaine wrote:
On 16/06/2020 16:46, wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 15:18:46 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
tim... wrote:
Train was about 10% full, none of the seats were marked out of use. Pax
were left to make their own mind up as to where they should sit.
Everybody was masked up
Yes, that confirms other accounts: people are complying, without any
heavy-handed rule enforcement.
I don't know about the trains but in the buses they are most certainly not.
I saw a number going past today with half the passengers unmasked. And good
for them. I won't be wearing one either next time I use PT.
Nor will I, fortunately they haven't introduced that ridiculous practice
up here, at least not yet. My condition (mild autism) means that I
Give Nicola her usual 2 week delay and she'll implement exactly the same rules
as Westminster including this no doubt.
cannot relate easily to people in a face-to-face situation unless I can
*see* their faces.
Not only that, they are worse than useless unless used *properly* which
rules out pretty much everybody except medical professionals.
Time was if someone had a mask on and they walked into a shop, they'd be
trying to rob the place..! In my motorcycling days I was regularly told
to remove my helmet when paying for petrol etc.
Yes, that is certainly a factor that the No10 muppets have overlooked - once a
lot of people are back out on the streets its going to be a criminals paradise.
Muggers and shoplifters in particular will have a field day.