London Orbital (M25) - Service Areas
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 09:26:38 +0100, Ian Jelf
In fact, in France at least, the proportion of these to "full blown"
service areas is much greater, maybe four or five to one. Indeed,
large scale service areas are actually few and far between in France; I
know as I frequently used to have to find the blasted places to keep
groups of 49 people on British coaches happy!
MX is that the French "proper" services generally aren't up to the
same standard as most of the British ones are these days, either. A
few aires de repos would be nice if you just need a quick trip to the
toilet, but I think overall I'd rather have more full-blown services.
I doubt, given the typical British abuse of such facilities, that an
unmanned aire de repos like the French ones would avoid vandalism,
particularly of the toilets. Could even end up being a gypsy camp if
not patrolled properly.
Neil Williams in Milton Keynes, UK
To e-mail use neil at the above domain