PT today
In article , Recliner
It's the home collection of pinprick samples for lab analysis that the MHRA
is dubious about;
Checked and it was
delivered at 06:05 the following morning and we were emailed the results
later in the day.
That seems pretty good, but maybe it isn't always? Normal RM
deliveries are typically running a day late at present, but maybe
these express services are still working promptly.
That's my guess. The big "COVID-19 SAMPLE" sticker on the (supplied)
envelope probably didn't hurt either.
But you missed out the punch line? Was the result as expected? Have
you already had the disease?
I can't tell you that! Georgie would be unhappy that I'm publishing my
personal data!!
(Lrf, vg jnf nf rkcrpgrq: artngvir.)
Clive D.W. Feather